Washroom Supply services
Cleanliness and Hygiene is of great importance and should be maintained to the highest of standards, not only for your staff but also for your customers and clients, to portray a highly professional image whilst giving them confidence in your business.
Keep your washroom well stocked
Never underestimate the value of a well-stocked and maintained washroom. We can supply a variety of products to businesses to keep yours in great condition. We can even install equipment such as soap dispensers and hand dryers.
Products we supply include:
- Toilet Tissues
- Hand Towels
- Soaps
- Alcohol Gels
- Floor Cleaning Products
- Surface & Wall Cleaning Products
- Washing Powders
- Hand Dryers
- Dispensers

We can provide full safety data sheets and COSHH for all of our products.
We stock and supply products suitable for:
- Bars, clubs & pubs
- Hotels
- Restaurants
- Offices
- Care Homes
- Schools
- Sports Clubs
- Food Premises

To enquire about our products, please call 0121 351 5598